Numappara Marshland

Address Itamuro, Nasushiobara
Phone 0287-62-7156
Store hours Late December to late April: the road to the parking is closed due to snow.

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Numappara Marshland is a subalpine marshland at 1,230 m above sea level, 250 m from east to west, 500 m from north to south, and is between Hinode Daira Mountain (1,786 m) of Nasu mountain range, Mt. Shirasasayama (1,719 m) at the south end and Nishibotchi Deck (1,410 m)on the west side of Mt. Shirasasayama. A water reservoir was completed at the south end of the marshland in 1974. Now it is possible to go there by motorcoach.

Special information

Splendid Flower of Nikkokisuge (H. middendorffii)!

About 230 kinds of plants have been identified here. You can enjoy Eastern Skunk Cabbage, Harurindō (Gentiana thunbergii) in spring, Siebold's crabapple, Nikkokisuge, Veratrum Stamineum in early summer, Iris ensata var. spontanea, Akabana Shimotsuke (Filipendula multijuga var. ciliata) in summer, Tamuraso (Serratula coronata subsp. insularis), Ezorindo (Gentiana triflora var. japonica) in early autumn, etc. mainly while walking around the properly-maintained wooden footpath in the marshland. Many hikers enjoy a walk in Numappara especially in late June to middle-July when Nikkokisuge blooms and turns the marshland yellow.

Plant guidebooks are on sale. (1,000 yen. Contact phone number: 0287-62-7193)

