Confectionery Meijiya

Address 4-3 Honcho, Nasushiobara, Tochigi
Phone 0287-62-0444
Store hours 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Open: Seven days a week

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土産店 明治屋 温泉まんじゅう P1080547.jpg

Meijiya was established in 1868. Please try the "pinnacle of our homemade sweet bean paste flavor" using azuki red beans produced in Nasu Highland! All the confectioneries are handmade, and can be enjoyed by anyone including small children and elderly people. Nasuno's specialty "Hot Spring Manju" (steamed sweet bean-paste bun), "Nasuno Bokka" stuffed with fresh butter, "Dorayaki" (sweet bean-paste pancake) made by skilled craftsmen, etc. are on sold here.